Wychavon Planning Committee Meeting, 7 December 2023, 2pm to be held at Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore, WR10 1PT.

The following planning application will be considered at the Planning Committee meeting.

W/00919/OUT – Land At (OS 1221 4441), Stratford Road, Honeybourne

Proposed: Outline planning application  (including details of means of access) for up to 40no dwellings with associated infrastructure.

The Parish Council has objected to this application and has employed a planning consultant to speak on the Council’s behalf at the Wychavon Planning meeting on 7th December, where a decision will be made by WDC.

The planning committee meeting is open to the public to attend.  If you are not able to attend you can watch it live on ;

(322) Wychavon District Council – YouTube

Alternatively, you can access the live streams through the ‘view meeting livestreams’ button on the Wychavon website page below.


Wychavon  Process Planning Committee Meetings can be downloaded here.
